your strategic partnerships. Use the power of partner reviews to get business moving faster, and turn your products into profit.

You’ve spent so much energy on developing and testing your products. Now it’s time to take care of the people and processes that sell them.

60% of executives believe that partnerships are critical to access new markets

Companies with mature partnership programs generate 50% more revenue per employee

But a staggering 78% of all tech partnerships end in failure

If only there was a way of knowing why.

(Spoiler: there is)

Meet Zugit.

Meet Zugit. At last, a platform that tells you exactly what your partners need and helps you deliver programs that sell more.

Transparent, collaborative and intuitive. It’s a better way of doing business.

Find out exactly what partners need to sell your software.


your profile

Tell your story, start building awareness, and grab that competitive advantage.


Build a following, boost your rep, patch into partner insights, and turn market intel into sharper partner programs.

& action

Generate real-time, data-driven strategic insights. Build trust, drive growth.

& track

Create and share your ‘success dashboard’ with all stakeholders. Easily access and understand the data. Grow your business through openness and collaboration.