ABOUT US No more guesswork, no more false starts. Just great partnerships that get business booming.

To be honest, we can’t believe no one’s done it before.

Real insights. Stronger relationships.

Zugit is the only partner success platform powered by AI. Creates tangible, AI-driven insight and action plans. Breathes new life into your partnerships and boosts business growth.

Why? Because there’s no way to tell if a partnership’s a good fit or a bad joke – before you’re up to your neck in it.

Vendors create programs based on what they think partners want.

Partners take a leap of faith without knowing if someone’s going to be there to catch them. It’s a bit like buying a mango without giving it a squeeze first. And that sucks!

Start investing in partnerships that consistently over perform

PARTNERS Help shape the next generation of programs.

Get the details

VENDORS Learn where they need to make improvements.

Get the details

A better way to do better business

These are our values and how they make a difference:

  • OUR VALUES Voraciously

    Whether vendor, partner or team member, we want to hear what you have to say. After all, it’s you who power our platform. So tell us what we can do better – we’re all ears.

  • OUR VALUES Respectfully

    We’re ambitious, no two ways about it. But, on our way to the top, we’re taking others with us. We have big goals, but this is about sustainable growth – for the whole team.

  • OUR VALUES Reliably

    Our actions match our words and we take responsibility for everything we say and do. It’s a better way of doing business and if nothing else, it helps us sleep at night.

  • OUR VALUES Persistently championing

    The more we celebrate people doing good things, the more good things happen. Some call it karma; we call it the simplest way to help make the world a better place.