Less Partnerships
More REVENUEships

For too long, partnerships have been a black box
—messy, unpredictable, and hard to manage.

We’re changing that.


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Welcome back! MARKETING INSIGHT ACTIONS NO. PARTNERSHIPS SALES ACCEPT ACCEPT ASSIGN 32 76 ASSIGN SURVEYS 5 72 145 + Survey status 5 PENDING PROGRESS COMPLETE 72 145 Marketing 9.0 Insight Actions COMPLETED! How would you rate the effectiveness of our solution to address the challenges your customers face? Tell us more

Zugit helps sales leaders and partner teams maximize revenue through AI-driven partner intelligence.

  • “Without data-driven partnership insights, most partnerships are
    flying blind”

    Jay McBain – Chief Analyst at Canalys

    Channel Influencer of the Year

81% of executives say that partnerships are critical to
their growth strategy

83% of executives believe
that tech partnerships help
them improve their
competitive position

But only 25% of tech partnerships meet or exceed expectations and that sucks!

It’s time to make partnerships waaaaaaaaay better.

Here’s how.

Voice of Partner

The best decisions come from knowing what partners really need, what their customers want, and what’s shifting in the market. Get that clarity—move faster, win more.


  • One super-efficient channel for all feedback.
  • Submit and track your feedback to influence
    positive change.


  • Templated process saves time and boosts
    partner engagement.
  • Central hub simplifies ongoing partner
    input across all core KPIs.
How would you rate the effectiveness of our solution to address the challenges your customers face? Tell us more Marketing 9.0 Survey status 5 PENDING PROGRESS COMPLETE 72 145 SALES MARKETING OPERATIONS Partnership surveys 5 WEEK MONTH TOTAL 21 354

& action

Generate real-time, data-driven strategic insights. Enhances partner programs, builds trust, drives growth.


  • Get your ideas heard and actioned.
  • Better insight analysis means better outcomes.


  • Automated analysis creates clear development strategy.
  • Filter, track and share insights with multiple teams.
Insight Actions SEARCH ALL PARTNER Your partner is expressing concerns about communication gaps and inadequate training, which are affecting their co-selling success with you. The suggested action is… COMPLETED: 04.06.23 BY: NAOMI DREIFUSS COMPLETED! Drive business growth and increase customer satisfaction. TRACK ASSIGN Assign & track actions within your Channel Partnerships Generate valuable, actionable AI- insights from Partner feedback.


The easier way to access and understand valuable data. Creates stronger, healthier partnerships.


  • Track progress through prioritised,
    real-time checklists.
  • Designed to focus on partner growth.


  • Instantly review partner success
    and pain points.
  • Build trust with all stakeholders, through collaboration and transparency.
Welcome back! MARKETING INSIGHT ACTIONS NO. PARTNERSHIPS SALES ACCEPT ACCEPT ASSIGN 32 76 ASSIGN SURVEYS 5 72 145 + Survey status 5 PENDING PROGRESS COMPLETE 72 145 Marketing 9.0 SALES MARKETING OPERATIONS Invite Partners in bulk to join the platform for free and provide valuable feedback INVITE PARTNERS Customisable profile pages with core channel and partner information Insight Actions COMPLETED!

Start investing in partnerships that consistently over perform

PARTNERS Help shape the
next generation
of programs.

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VENDORS Learn where they need to make improvements.

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